carolyn khan
Previous Staff|Next StaffComing to UAI from the fast-paced world of bespoke interiors and high-end residential projects, Carolyn brings a meticulous focus to her work driven by a belief that everyone deserves the benefits of quality design and architecture. Undaunted by any task sent her way, her detail-oriented approach leads her to ask the questions that need to be asked and never back down from a challenge.
Translating her innate sense of order to her architectural work, Carolyn effortlessly tracks multiple workflows and projects at varying stages of development. Her ability to juggle multiple imperatives while taking time to focus on the details and establish personal connections with those she interacts, makes all the difference in fostering a productive, creative design environment. Conscientious and diligent, she takes her projects to heart, providing the caring and support to make them successful. Holding herself accountable first, Carolyn strengthens every group that she is a part of and has contributed meaningfully and thoughtfully to UAI since the day she first arrived.
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New York, NY 10279