ming yuan ren
Previous Staff|Next StaffCapably handling our interior design work at UAI, Ming quietly yet confidently holds his own in an office full of architects, providing balance and texture to our design work. Skillfully employing his color sense and eye for detail on each project, Ming enriches each of our buildings with flair and sensitivity.
Willing to help whenever called upon, Ming will roll up his sleeves to assist in drafting work and travel to far flung showrooms to research innovative materials while maintaining a firm rein on project work. Ming’s design work emphasizes the legibility of spaces, enriching the users’ experience and putting them at ease. Navigating the boundary between architecture and interiors with finesse, he balances the practical requirements of each job and continually finds ways to infuse inventive and delightful details to the spaces that we design. Ming’s work allows us to keep strong our commitment to creating warm and welcoming environments for our fellow New Yorkers.
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New York, NY 10279