tony shitemi
Next StaffCo-founder and principal of UAI, Tony’s strength lies in bringing together the disparate elements of any project in the most creative solutions.
He strongly believes that design is dialogue, which begins with the client and continues through with all the members of any project team leading to successful problem solving. His sensitivity to the client’s specific needs, combined with his close familiarity with zoning and code issues, is critical in determining a project’s feasibility and gives UAI a healthy synergy between desired design goals and practical requirements.
Tony has a solid track record with non-profit, for-profit, and government agencies – completing projects with a wide range of construction costs and client needs. His goal has been to participate in developments that are valuable to the community; schools, community centers, affordable housing and housing for special needs populations, commercial and civic facilities. His conscientious nature leads him to take a hands-on approach to all the projects that he is involved in, whether the design of a $30 million mixed-use development or the crafting of a perfect piece of toast.
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Next Staff233 Broadway, Suite 2150
New York, NY 10279